Saturday, February 25, 2006

Biking with the Club

In training - Hannig
Steve, Max, Dave and I hung out with Hannig today as he wanted to put in some miles. He's preparing for a mini-triathalon. The dude is a Monster!! One of the hills wore me out, but it was a great ride and nice to be outside.
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Friday, February 03, 2006

Beavercreek - Friday

Vail - Last Day
Well, we actually skied at Beavercreek just down the road from Vail. It was cloudy and a bit windy most of the day, but then it cleared up long enough to get a few good photos.

Hey, Godfather - I blinked twice - back to work on Monday. So, now it is time to start preparing for the climbing season and biking season.

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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Another day in the snow

Vail - Day Four
It snowed and snowed and then snowed some more today. The winds were fairly strong, too, but we prevailed. Unfortunately, they closed the Blue Sky Basin (back bowl area) before we could get on that side of the mountain, but we did some routes we never ran into before.

The snow was getting so deep that at one point Derek whiped out after someone forced him off route and he had troubles finding his skies buried in the snow.

Friday, our last day we plan to give Beavercreek a run for the money. It is located in Avon, CO about 10 miles from Vail.

We're hoping for some blue skies like what we saw on Monday.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Zach's first day of skiing

Vail - Day Three - Zach's first day skiing

Today we took off to rest our legs and Stacy and Derek put Zachary into ski school. He really liked it so he'll be in school again on Thursday.

They are predicting a lot of snow tonight and tomorrow so it may be a rough day on the mountain, but we shall see.

UPDATED: 02/02/06 - A photographer for the ski school took a picture of Zach and it was on the front page of the Vail Newspaper today. Derek and Stacy were very proud, as well as, Stacy trying to find as many copies as possible....

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